19 June 2007

New Growth

I love this video. I am napptural (no heat, no chemicals), so I am totally feeling the messages in this video. I also love the fact that so many Nappy's were representing so very well for all of us who have made the transition to what G-d gave us. Like a friend told me, "G-d don't make no mistakes!" Amen!

Today was a day of revelations for me. First I realized that everybody you think is your friend, isn't. Second, I realized that I don't really give a hawt fuck what people think of me. As long as I am true to myself, then everything else is alright. I also realized that I talk too much to the wrong people, but that situation is being rectified as we type.

I was going to type some ignance here, you know, respond to the stupidity that these people were putting out, but I decided that adding to an already tense situation is just asking for trouble. These are some mean innanet streets, and I don't wanna be known as an Innanet Gangsta (SNORT!!!) Not to mention the fact that if I lower myself to their level, they win. Fuck that. All I can do is pray for your enlightenment and wish you heaven!

Peace, Love and Blessings ya'll!